Ambassador of India to Kazakhstan Shubdarshini Tripathi got acquainted with the work of the Kazakh-Indian Training Center for Information and Communication Technologies at ENU

Ambassador of India to Kazakhstan Shubdarshini Tripathi got acquainted with the work of the Kazakh-Indian Training Center for Information and Communication Technologies at ENU

On June 22, 2021, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Kazakhstan Shubdarshini Tripathi visited the Eurasian National University.

The meeting was held with the participation of the Rector of ENU, Erlan Sydykov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Gulnara Merzadinova, Director of the Kazakh-Indian Training Center for Information and Communication Technologies IKCEICT Anatoly Kremenchutsky, Director of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Inna Gorst, Military attache of the Embassy of India in Kazakhstan Milan Nalavade, Director of the American-Kazakh Center Astana International University Asan Abdirov, Vice-Rector for Science, Innovative Technologies and External Relations of the Kazakh Institute of Technology and Business Rinat Zhanbaeva, Timur Mynbayev, Director of the Moscow branch of the National Center for Technological Forecasting of the KIRPB MIIR, Galimzhan Gabdreshov, founder and director of the Sezual startup, and Abdilda Shamenov.

Welcoming the guests, the Rector told about the history of the Kazakh-Indian center in Gumilyov ENU, noting that the center was established on the basis of an agreement between the leaders of the two states more than 10 years ago.

The scientist also recalled that on July 7, 2015, the Prime Ministers of India and Kazakhstan inaugurated IKCEICT with the PARAM BILIM supercomputer.

«In September 2019, the PARAM BILIM consortium was formed, which included the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, 6 universities, research and design organizations,» Yerlan Sydykov added.

Today, ENU cooperates with leading universities in India, such as the Institute of Finance of India, Fakir Mohan University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Kreis University in the framework of academic mobility, joint scientific and educational research, etc.

In turn, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Kazakhstan Shubdarshini Tripathi noted the strategic role of the IKCEICT center in the development of scientific and educational cooperation between India and Kazakhstan, emphasizing the importance of further development of cooperation in this direction.

Following the meeting, the parties discussed the directions of mutually beneficial partnership in the areas of joint activities.